Three smartphone screens displaying the Woov app interface with timetable, map, and community features for "Beyond the Pale" festival on a red background. Text reads: "Download Woov - The official app for Beyond the Pale. Set times, 3D sitemap, community." Buttons for Play Store and App Store are shown.


Beyond The Pale have partnered with event app Woov, to bring you the best festival experience. Woov will allow you to find your pals, see the timetable, set your own personal schedule, get alerts when your favourite artists are on stage, chat to the BTP community and more.

The app is ready to be downloaded right now on Apple & Android!

Smartphone displaying a 3D map app showing a festival layout to locate friends, with icons for amenities and stages. Text on the right reads "3D Sitemap to Find Your Friends" with app store download buttons below on a red background.
Smartphone displaying an event community app interface with features like chat, creating topics, and meetups. Text on the red background says "Join the Event Community" with logos for Play Store and App Store.
Smartphone displaying a music festival timetable app with artist set times on a red background, featuring download buttons for Play Store and App Store.